Monday, October 21, 2019

Worked on the front yard today.  Need to get some weeds out and trim some of the bushes, and one of the irrigation sprinkler needed to be replaced.  I went out in the afternoon, even though it was 90 degrees.  We had a nice wind, so that helped.

Did the sprinkler first, and it was easier that I thought.  I was thinking that I had to dig it up, but luckily the threads were still there.  I just had to put a new one on.  I turn them on, and it worked good.

Then I had to get the weeds out, just use the lawn edger to get them out.  After that I just used the rake to get them out, and also the amount of leaves that had fallen - winter is coming on, heh.

Done with the front

Got the weeds out and the leaves too 

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Been 10 days since I last posted.  Another health issue.  Threw out my back.  Have not been able to do much.  Went to the doctor yesterday and she gave me a muscle relaxer for my back.  I will also have to go see a chiropractor to work on it.

I did manage to mow the back lawn yesterday, but it took awhile to get it done.  Looks much better though.  Today, I am just watching news about Trump.  Will try to do some stretching.  Hope that helps.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Finally able to work on the backyard.  I took out the ugly bush in the back right corner.  I think I will put in a tree there.  Maybe a lemon or lime tree.  I want to get a smaller tree, as there are overhead power lines.  I will take out the shrub that is behind the planter box too.


The raised planter box is done.  Just have to throw in some plants.  There are plenty of vegetables that can be planted now.  Nice to have a mild winter.  

Friday, October 4, 2019

I have not been on the blog for awhile.  I have been really sick.  Last Wednesday I had to go to the Urgent Care.  My temperature was 100.6 degrees.  I did not feel good at all.  I still have the cold a bit, but it is much better.

I have not done much the last 10 days, just watching President Trump making a fool out of himself.  Hard to believe that the President of the United States is asking foreign countries (Ukraine and China) to investigate Joe Biden.  This is AGAINST the law.  Will see what happens.