Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Yesterday I mowed the front lawn, and cleaned the patio.  Today I will work on the inside, will have the house ready for tomorrow's Thanksgiving day.  Will have about 30 people over and will have a lot of FOOD!  
Cleaned the driveway

Patio is done

Will be cold tomorrow, not sure we will be outside

Front is done!

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

3 weeks since I last posted.  The chiropractor did not do much good.  I pain is not from the spine, or the sciatic nerve.  I thought it might be my thyroid, and had the doctor who watches the thyroid do a blood test, and it came back normal.

I will get with my primary care physician to figure out were all the joint pain is coming from.  Advil is the only thing that makes me feel better.  Just can't keep taking that.

Yesterday I sprayed the weeds to get rid of them.  Getting ready for the Thanksgiving day.  A lot of Rufina's family will be over and I have to get the house ready.  On Tuesday I will mow the front lawn and finish up the outside to make sure it ready.  We will have rain on Thursday, so everything will be inside.

Monday, November 4, 2019

The last couple of weeks, I have had problems with my hips and pelvis.  They are very painful and it is hard to even get up.  I saw my primary doctor and she suggest I see a chiropractor.  So today was my 4th time seeing him.  He is making adjustments to my back and pelvis.

Now it feels worse than it did before, lol.  He said it just takes time to relive the pain.  I am doing stretches and a heat pad on my hips and pelvis.  I will see him again at the end of the week.  If it does not improve I will probably take a week or 2 before I see him again.  Hopefully it will get better!

Friday, November 1, 2019

We are having people over on Friday, and I wanted to put up the lights on the patio.  Took me longer than I expected, just have to realize that it takes me a lot longer now than when I was younger.  The back also is still hurting.

Lights are in!