Sunday, December 27, 2020


John and I decided to play chess.  Rufina and Maria went to visit their sister RC, so we decided to do somthing different.  I have not play in about 15 years, but John has played with his son in the last couple of years.  I do have an little experiance playing, so I thought it would be a good match between both of us.

Well, it looks like I do have more experiance than John, as it turned out, and I will have to help him with it. :)  We did have fun for 2 hours though!

Friday, December 25, 2020

 Finally got my new graphics card for Christmas.  It was hard to find.  Most of the ones I was looking at, were sold out.  I wanted the Geforce RTX 3080, but the only one I could find was $1500.  No way was I going to pay $1500 just for the card. It looks like the DRAM's are in short supply.  I read that the high end graphic cards will even go up in price in 2021.

I managed to get the Geforce RTX 3060 TI for $700.  They retail for $400, but the price has really gone up in the last month.  When I installed it, it works NICE!

Now I am also ready for VR games too. :)

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Hello everyone.  I have not be on the blog for about 1 year. WOW.  Will try and update it more.

This last week I have been updating the office.  Rufina is now working at home more, and we bought her a new desk, chair, keyboard and mouse.  She really likes pink, lol.  I had to move the desk from the middle of the room and put in against the wall.  I also bought a 32" monitor.  

She is using my other computer and the two 23" screens.  She needs both of them for her work.  She really likes it.  I am going to move the picture of the Golden Gate Bridge and put up a picture that Rufina likes.