Thursday, July 1, 2021

On Tuesday I went to see the eye doctor.  They wanted to do a new test on a "binocular" device that will take a picture of the iris.  Good thing, is they will give you $100 for doing the test.  They have to dilate your eyes, and I had Rufina drive me home.  

I managed to take a picture of the results.  They put this device on your eyes and take pictures.  They will send the results to my primary care doctor and I will get the results.  

Friday, June 25, 2021


Well summer is here, but the flowers are still blooming.  These bloomed on Monday.  They are hanging out in the backyard.  Will have to see how much they will last.  

Have a good weekend everyone.  

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Thunderstorms in Riverside!  Downtown is getting the most of the rain, but we are just getting a few sprinkles here at home.  Hey, any rain is a good thing!

We are getting lightning and thunder though.  Sound really close.  

Monday, June 21, 2021

Hope everyone had a good weekend.  It was Father's Day, and I still miss my Dad.  He gave me the tools I need to make it through every day.  A lot of things I do is because of him.  He taught me a great deal of many things.  I would not be here without him.  

Thanks Dad!

Friday, June 18, 2021

 Well it is Friday afternoon.  Just finished cleaning the house.  In So Cal, it is still 100 degrees.  Still going to be that for next couple of days.  Finally will get down to 90 degrees on Wednesday.

I will be streaming tonight at 7pm on Twitch - Arcturus.  Working on getting the speedrun down on Subnautica: Below Zero.  I am at 51 minutes and want to get it below 50 minutes.  

I am looking for 50 followers on Twitch so I can get upgrades for my accounts. If you follow me on Twitch all you get is an update if I am streaming.  Does not cost anything.  :)

Twitch is a website for streaming just about anything you want.  All you need is a camera and programs to record what you are staying or doing.  I use OBS for Subnautica game.  OBS is a program the will be able to steam the games you are playing.  You can text me and I will answer the questions.  You can see me playing the game from my camera.  Cool, I think.

Arcturus is the name I have been using in video cames for the last 20 years.  The first time I use Arcturus was in the game Everquest in 2001.

I always use Star names for my characters in any game that I play.

Well, I just want to wish everyone a good evening.  


Wednesday, June 16, 2021

 HOT in Riverside!

Will get up to 104 today.  Was 106 yesterday.  Time to stay inside and keep cool!

Monday, April 19, 2021


                                            Spring in here!

Saturday, January 16, 2021

 I have been working on building my new computer for the last couple of weeks.  I had to wait for all the components to come in.  I wanted to get the Geforce RTX 3080 graphics card, but no way I was going to spend $1500 on the card.  The prices for new graphics card are really bad.  I had to go with the Geforce RTX 3060 TI.

Went with a Intel i7 processer and a ASUS Prime Z490 mother board.  I also put in a Corsair water cooler for the processer, and went with the Lian Li case.  

In the botom picture are the items I put into the computer.  The only thing difference is the case.  In the picture it shows a Thermaltake case, but the upgraded it to the Lian Li case.  The Corsair cooler has a very nice software that I can change all the colors of the items in the computer.  :)

It it working nice and I can load any new games on the computer that I want to play, even VR games. 👍

Sunday, January 3, 2021

 Not much going on this week.  Good to get to the new year.  Wanted to get 2020 over with.  Was just Rufina, Maria, John and me for New Years Eve.  Stayed up to midnight and then went to bed. Yesterday I took down the christmas lights and all the inside christmas decorations.  

This week I have a doctors appointment with my diabetes doctor, but it will be just be on the phone.  I have a new health insurance for this year, but I have not recieved my card.  I will have to give them a call to get the number.

I have recieved much of the computer parts that I am going to build the new computers with.  The Intel i7 processer comes on Wednesday.  That is the day I will start building the computer.  Already have the motherboard, case, power supply, fans, hard drives (2), and graphics card. Also bought a new magnectic screwdrivers.  Dont want to lose the screws in the case, lol.

Have a good week everyone!