Thursday, June 20, 2024

This week, I did much better on amount of yards I did in the pool.  On Monday, I did 1250, yards (even though my watch says 1100), I did the extra 150.  I ended the workout too soon.  My bad, lol.  Only problem I had, I did 50 yards of breaststroke, and at the end I was getting a cramp in my right hamstring.  I only get cramps because I don't drink enough of water.  I did not bring my water bottle by the pool.  I have to do that now, because I am swimming for longer times.  

On Tuesday I had to rest my hamstring a bit, so I walked up to the library to put books away.  Swimming is much harder than walking.  Swimming is like running, but with out the stress your leg bones.  At my age, running in not a good thing for me right now.  

So today, I did hit the 1 mile mark.  I mile is 1760 yards, but I 1750 yards is good enough for me. 👍 After 900 yards, I wanted to see what best time for 50 yards for me is now.  Without using a starting block, just from the wall, I did 52 seconds.  I did good for the first 25 yards, but I have to get my endurance much better.   

On the second 25 yards, I lost my stroke a bit, and did not use my forearms correctly.  I wish I had learned that in High School.  I would just use my hands.  Your forearms add at lot to your speed.  You have to use the stoke correctly.  There another thing that I do is, extending the shoulders for every stoke.  As you extend you shoulders forward the stoke is longer.  Watch the below video see what it looks like.

They way I found out my forearms and shoulders, is because I watch a You Tube video that Fares Ksabti makes.  He does a lot of teaching of the right way to swim. He is master swimmer and holds some records for 30+ year old people, mainly breaststroke.   Here is the freestyle video:

Hope everyone is doing good!  Have a good day.


Saturday, June 15, 2024

Swimming in our community pool

I said I would do 1000 yards, 2 days after I hit the 1000 yards, I did 1250 yards.  After 500 yards, it is a  little bit easier.  Your body gets a little warmed up, which makes easier to swim.  I will stay at 1250 yards a couple more days, and will go for 1600 yards (1 mile).

Here is the indoor pool.  It has 4 lanes and 25 yards.  I use the far left lane, it is the greatest depth - 5 1/2 feet.  The 2 right lane are mainly for people that come, just to walk in the pool, it is 3 1/2 feet.      

Thursday, June 13, 2024


Well I did two more swims.  Last Saturday was 750 yards, and Tuesday I did hit the 1000 yards.  It is much better after I hit the 500 yards, body gets a little warmed up and it makes it easier to swim. Did it in 26 minutes but it should improve as I continue to swim.  

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Imported post: Facebook Post: 2024-06-05T16:13:29

Well after 7 months since my heart transplant, decided to give the pool a try. Not too bad, yes it is 525 yards. Former swim teammates don’t laugh at me. lol. After the transplant at 63 years old, 500 yards is not bad at all! Will do better next time.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Imported post: Facebook Post: 2024-06-01T13:41:50

Today I was the 2024 Discover Trilogy at Glen Ivy Community. Lots of things to do at Trilogy. I singed up for Technology Help Session. They meet once a month, and I told them I will work just on Computers. They said that was ok. :) I got a free wireless keyboard that will work up to my Ipad.