Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Monday 12/7/10

A successful day today. First I managed to get a quick 30 minute bike ride in to get the blood going, and then went to the EDD.

The EDD, if you didn't know, is the Employment Development Department. While I probably could do most of the job hunt at home, I feel it is good to get out and actually talk to other people who are in the same situation that I am, looking for a job.

So at the EDD, I applied to 4 retail manager positions, talked to my career coach, and did a little bit of research on companies that I would be interested in working for.

I have been going to the EDD for about a month now, and have even taken some of their workshops. The workshops have been interesting. I have found that there are quite a few individuals that are well trained and educated looking for jobs.

I went in expecting that most of the people would just be folks that are looking for minimum wage jobs, but that is just not the case.

Well, today I will be doing a bit of work on the house preparing a few things for Christmas and then going online and see if there are any new job postings.

Thats it for now, hope everyone has a great day!


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