Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Day 2 at UCLA Hospital

Ok, this what they did to me on Tuesday 9/12. First was a CT scan of my brain and chest. They are looking for any abnormal items. Next thing was X-ray of my hips, hands, and feet. They are checking for arthritis in my joints. I know I have arthritis in my hips, but hands and feet are fine. 

The next items was an echocardiogram of my veins in my neck and legs. After the transplant they will biopsy of my heart looking rejections of the new heart. They want to make sure I don’t have a blockage in my veins. Good news my veins are wide open and no blockage. 

The weird thing they did, was that 2 dentists came in and did X-rays of all my teeth.  I guess that it was they are checking anything that can cause rejection to the new heart. No cavities and everything looked good with my teeth. 

I did talked to the GI doctors and they are not doing a Colonoscopy, because I have not had a flare up Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) in over 3 years and they don’t want to put extra stress on my body with the transplant coming up. 

So being in the hospital is hard getting sleep. They wake me up every 3 to 4 hours to take my blood pressure or draw some blood. Last night I managed to get about 3 hours of sleep. Hopefully tonight I will get more. 

That is it for now. Tomorrow I will update what they did today. 

Bye everyone. 

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