Saturday, August 31, 2019

I was thinking of riding outside today, but did not get around to that.  I need to get up earlier!  Rode on the trainer though.  Did 5 miles in 23m and 51s.  Last week Thursday I did the 5 miles in 24m and 10s.  Almost 20 seconds faster.  Average speed was 12.6 MPH, HR at 115 BPM average.  Heart rate max was 135 beats per minute.

Went to Home Depot and got a new edge trimmer for the lawn.  The old one was 18 years old and the battery kept falling off, and it used a lot of string.  The new one looks much better than the old one.

The last thing I did was get a hair cut.  It was getting LONG.  Looks much better now!

Thursday, August 29, 2019

33 minutes on the Trainer, and rode to the end of the Creek Trail playlist on Itunes.  12.3 MPH, 6.7 miles, and a cadence of an average of 82 RPM.

Heart rate monitor is now working correctly with the Polar Strap.  Not sure why the Polar Strap works, and the Garmin Strap does not.  Will just use the Polar one.  Average HR was 117 BPM, with a max of 132 BPM.  In the pictures below, the top Strap is the Polar one, and the bottom one is Garmin.  I still use the Garmin device that transmits the HR on the Polar Strap. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

It is 1:30 in the afternoon, trying to decide if I will ride the trainer today.  I did mow the lawn this morning, so I got my workout, and I might ride outside on Saturday.  Still undecided ride the bike this afternoon.

The lawn did need to be mowed and it looks a lot better than it was.  I still have to mow the lawn in the back yard, might do that tomorrow.  Below is that picture from the front of the house.

Rufina texted me that her brother-in-law, that lives in Salinas, passed away today.  She will go up with her sisters this weekend to visit her sister that lives in Salinas. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

I rode on the trainer today, 20 minutes and took it a bit slower.  11.9 MPH, and the heart rate monitor is still not working.  The Polar strap should be here tomorrow, so I will see if it helps.

This was my 12th ride since I started 2 weeks ago.  I mention that, because in the last 2 years, I started riding each year in August, but only made it to 11 rides each year, and then I stopped.  I want to make sure that I keep riding this year.  Hopefully the temperature will come down so I can start riding outside.

Did a little work inside, moved some books from the storage in the garage and put them in the bookshelf behind the couch in the office.  I want to get things out of the garage.  I also put up some pictures in the spare bathroom.  I found them in the garage too. They remind me of northern California.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Rode the trainer again today.  30 minutes at 12.2 MPH.  My heart rate monitor is still not working.  I added some electrode gel to my chest, but it still did not work correctly.  I might have to buy a new strap from Polor instead of using the Garmin one.  Hopefully that works.  I need to keep track of that, just to see how fast my heart goes.  I need to keep it below 130 BPM.

Another hot day in Riverside.  Not doing much outside today.  I might have to mow the lawn later tonight when it cools down.  I will have to water it though.  Still another month to go of the warm weather.  Be nice once October get here!

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Went to the Bruno Mars Cover Band in Dos Lagos this evening.  It was free at the shopping center in Corona.  I was surprise by how many people showed up.  I bet there were about a thousand people there.

I went with Rufina and Lourdes.  John and Maria showed up a little bit later.  The band was very good.  I was not feeling good after about 2 hours, so Rufina wanted us to go home.  I wanted to stay, but felt better that I went home.

No bike riding today, but will ride again on Monday.

This was the Cover Band

Friday, August 23, 2019


It has been 7 years (4/26/2012) since I have posted on the blog, WOW.  I have come along way from when I posted right after my stoke.  Don't laugh at the posts that I made, right after the stroke.  They are kind of funny.

I am now riding on the bike for the first time in a year.  Finished my 2nd week, and did 2 1/2 hours this week.  Rode 5 days, about 30 minutes each day.  The bike is on the trainer, but should be able to ride outside in the next couple of weeks.  Just waiting for it to get cooler outside.

I am trying to keep my heart rate below 130 BPM, but this week it went up to 139 BPM, on Tuesday.  I have try and keep it down.  I will ask the cardiologist about it next time I see him.  Today, I did 5 miles on the trainer, max heart rate was 129, and the average MPH was 12.4.  Below is the bike on the trainer.
