Tuesday, September 17, 2019

I have not been on the bike in 9 days.  I had to rest my right leg.  The tendon was a little sore, and I did not want it to get worse.  The rest helped.  I was able to get a ride in today, and the leg felt much better.

Wanted to do about an hour ride, and easiest was head west on the SART.  Rode out to Van Buren, and came back home.  I stopped at Mclean-Anza park off of Jurupa, and again at Jurupa/Van Buren intersection. 

Speed was 12.2 MPH over the 12.3 miles.  Kept it slow, always have to watch my heart rate. 

Looking east from Mclean-Anaz park
From the bike trail near Van Buren/Jurupa intersection

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