Monday, September 9, 2019

I needed to mow the front lawn today.  It has been 10 days since I mowed it.   I bought a new lawn edger, but had to put it together first.  The old one would not hold the battery anymore.

It took about 45 minutes to mow the lawn, and I felt that I need to do a bit of trimming the bushes.  The one that is in the corner up front was getting to big.  I did trim it, but I think I will take it out and put something there that I won't have to trim it, to keep it out of the driveway.

After I cleaned everything up, it too me 2 hours.  Wow.  It is now 2pm and I will have something to eat!  Have a good day everyone!

This is the bush that I want to take out.

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